Missing Mothers

Finally I'm back to feeling like painting so I've been doing a few things. This past week someone got in touch with me that I'd met at the Art Walk and asked me to paint their Furbaby. I LOVE how this one turned out and frankly it was hard to say good bye to it. What I didn't know is parting with it turned out to be the sweetest thing ever and reminds me of why I love doing these paintings and giving back.
This afternoon I met up with Kyle so he could pick up his painting and YAY for me, his wife was with him and it was her birthday present. That means for the first time ever I got to watch one of my paintings being given as the gift, gracious it made me heart so happy. Just look at her face, she was thrilled.
Whenever I hand off a painting I always make sure to let the buyer know what charity will receive their portion of the purchase, right now that happens to be Loving Arms Cancer Outreach at Kennestone Cancer Center. I made sure to let them know that before we parted ways. They met me at the lunch spot our family had chosen for Mothers day, so I went out to meet them and get their painting. When I got back in the restaurant and sat down to finish stuffing my face another text came in, it was Kyle letting me know that his Mom had passed away over a year ago from Cancer and knowing the proceeds were going to a cancer charity meant so much to him. I AM SO GLAD HE DID NOT TELL ME THAT OUTSIDE, I would have UGLY cried!! Gulp.
I don't think he had any idea I have Cancer.... this story I will cherish. It makes me so happy, encourages my heart and my head and it reminds me that God knows my Story. He knows just what I need, when I need it. I hope you hugged your Mothers today, life can be shorter than expected. Cherish those moments with Mama.