Cancer and Seasons

Last year about this time I was finishing up treatments for breast cancer and surprise to me and my family, this year the cancer is back so once again I'll be having surgery and following up with treatments. I am Disappointed but it's a chance to learn, meet new faces and be reminded about what's really important in your life.
I have 3 favorite seasons, Fall, Winter (yes, I'm weird) and Spring. Well Spring has Sprung and those bluebirds are busy getting ready for their families. See that's one of those things that are important, don't take them for granted, love, forgive, laugh lots together, be kind even when they may not deserve it, do kindness together for others and willingly sacrifice whatever is needed for your family, you may not get a second chance to do what's right. One day they will hopefully tell the story of you and what you taught them and you'll be an example for their own life.
This little fella is going to fund bluebird houses at the Green Meadows preserve, one of my favorite parks here locally. Make a visit and see if you can spot the bluebird families.